Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Here are all the lucky winners from my gigantic comment contest. I'll send emails out tomorrow, but I wanted to get this posted tonight. If you've never given me your email and you are a winner, please put it in a comment below or email your address to angelamorrison [at] mac [dot] com.

If I don't have your contact information and you don't respond by February 20th, I'll choose another winner.

Congratulations everybody and thank you so much for all the amazing feedback and critique you gave me all through this journey. It's going to be so valuable as I start revising.

Taken by Storm paperback
1. Raila
2. Bee
3. Brandi
4. Midnight Thief
5. Jennie
Unbroken Connection
1. Gayle
2. Kulsuma
3. Itzel Library
4. Brandi
5. Nora
Cayman Summer (when it releases)
1. Sana G.
2. Mavie
3. Flippin'Fabulous
4. Bee
5. Itzel Library
6. Jo
7. Brandi
8. Jenna
9. Laura
10. PinkStuff28
Taken by Storm Set
1. Michelle
Taken by Storm hardcover
1. Bee
2. Darlyn
3. Jo
Marked Taken by Storm
1. Laura
Sing me to Sleep hardcover
1. Chaleese
2. Jo
3. Bee
Marked Sing me to Sleep
1. Gayle
Leesie's Shell necklace from Cayman Summer (that I never got a picture taken of--sorry)
1. Gayle
2. Brandi
3. Raila

30 page critique 
1. Erika
2. Jo
10 page critique
1. Bee
2. Brandi
3. C.K. Bryant

I'll email everyone tomorrow. If you don't hear from me, please email me and claim your prize(s). (Or leave a comment below with your email.) Congratulations again and a gigantic THANK YOU!

Now I need to get to work revising . . .


  1. I'M SO EXCITED! Thank YOU, Angela. :)

  2. This is flippin' awesome! THANK YOU SO MUCH, Angela. I saw the contest results on my phone and I was going mad cos I couldn't connect to the net all day.


  3. Yippity Skippity! You have no idea how excited I am about winning a 10 page critique. My current WIP is about a girl who thinks she's a mermaid and toward the end her and her boyfriend do some diving. I kept thinking how cool it would be to have your help with that or at the very least check my facts. This is the BEST prize, EVER.
    Thanks Angela.

  4. ow... i don't win anything...
    but thanks for the opportunity :)
    and congrats to all winners!!
    thanks :D

  5. Sorry, Andii! I wish everyone could win, but there were a hundred entrants and thousands of individual entries.

    Gayle, who was lucky enough to win three prizes, emailed me that she already has UNBROKEN CONNECTION, and has graciously offered to let me draw another winner for her copy. THANKS GAYLE. So, Andii, you get another chance.

    Okay, I'm mixing up the names, drawing a new winner . . . it's Alyssa009!! YAY!

    Sorry, again, andii!

  6. Midnight Thief! I need your email address or you can email me your address so I can send you your prize. Deadline for claiming prize is Feb. 20th.

  7. Hey Nora! I don't have any contact info for you. Please send me your address by Feb. 20th so I can mail you your copy of UNBROKEN CONNECTION.

  8. Jenna!! I don't have contact info for you either. Can you email me?

  9. Yay!!! Thanks so much Angela, I´m so excited for Cayman Summer!!!

    @andii*: you´re a follower of The Itzel Library, stay tuned, soon I´ll giving away a copy of Unbroken Connection.

  10. Another drum roll please . . .

    Jo has graciously passed on the 30 pg. critique she won to another writer. The new winner is CHANTELE!! Hooray! Congrats, Chantele.

    And Brandi, who must be the luckiest girl alive, has kindly asked me to draw new winners for the copies of TAKEN BY STORM and UNBROKEN CONNECTION that she won. So, here, we go . . . the new winners are

    TAKEN BY STORM (pb) Sana G.!!


  11. aww thank you !
    email is

  12. When is Cayman Summer coming out?
    And were and when can I pre-order it?
    I need answers!!!!

  13. Samantha . . . I'll post as soon as it's available. There will be a special link to my Amazon store. It will be available there first and then through the general Amazon site. We're about a week away!

  14. Thanks for waiting. My first order of CAYMAN SUMMER just arrived. Prizes are going in the mail today.
