Thursday, October 27, 2011

Napoleon Dynamite's Stage!

I'm back! Conference presentations and travel have kept me away from blogging. Apologies, apologies. I also had to dig into SLIPPED one more time. When I last blogged, I told you I'd sent it off to my agent floating on a cloud thinking at last it's perfect. Erzsi sent me back 12 pages of line-edits. Now that's a good agent. Thorough. Demanding. Helpful. So, I'm happy to say I finished the revision--again.

SCBWI-AZ's Welcome to our House was great, and I enjoyed presenting for SCBWI-UT the following week in Salt Lake City. Then I went up to Preston, ID. Oh, what a blast. It was freezing cold, snowing and rainy the morning I drove from SLC to Preston, but I got such a warm welcome. It is a cozy little town. And, the best thing, I got to speak on Napoleon Dynamite's stage!

I snapped this shot of it to prove it. I actually spoke in front of the stage, but I touched it, sat on it, even put my books on it. Preston, Idaho is where Napoleon Dynamite was filmed. They used the high school a lot and this auditorium. Preston high's principal told me that when it was time to film Napoleon's big dance scene, Jon Heder kicked everyone out of the auditorium because he was so embarrassed. That dance is now legend! 

Preston is starting a new dance legend. I met a writer at the workshop I presented that evening for adults who started a ballroom dance troupe in Preston. They dance in Napoleon's footsteps! I love ballroom. I guess these kids do, too. They get up early every morning so they can dance before school starts. That's dedication. 

More soon. I owe you a taste of my hero from SLIPPED, Jag. I think he's the hottest hero I've written yet. He starts out more of a villain. Maybe that's what makes him so appealing.  

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