Monday, October 31, 2011

SING ME TO SLEEP Released in Brazil!

CANTE PARA EU DORMIR, SING ME TO SLEEP in Portuguese is out just in time for Christmas! 

Summer 2010 I sent a few books down to bloggers in Brazil, and because of all the hard work those bloggers did promoting SING ME TO SLEEP, a year later, the Brazilian edition was released. Here's the cover.

Lais, from, already reviewed it. She told me they did an excellent job with the translation. I'm so happy to know that. Lais said, "I received from publisher soon as it was released and read again (and I cried again, of course). . . . [T]he translation to Portuguese was perfect, didn't lose the essence of the book."

I can't wait to get my own copy of it! I'm always amazed at how hard all you wonderful bloggers will work for books you believe in. I'm so thankful so many of you continue to believe in mine! 


  1. Looks awesome!! Do you know who did the Portuguese translation ? Where can you get a copy?

  2. The translator is Cintia Afarelli Pereira. Follow the link in the post to Pandorga's website. You can purchase it there.
